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You’re invited to dive and dodge your way to victory in the pantheon of clumsy. Rookie or pro? Solo or partied up? Fall Guys delivers ever-evolving, high-concentrated hilarity and fun. The only thing more important than winning is looking as ridiculous as possible while doing it. Grab the silliest costume you can and fall in line—the show’s about to start!
在《糖豆人: 终极淘汰赛》这个大型闯关综艺现场,你将和大批参赛者共同面对一场“欲戴皇冠必趁其乱”的冲关竞技!你要灵活应对野蛮生长的障碍物,挤开黏人的比赛对手,跌跌撞撞地向荣耀发起冲锋。自踏入赛场的一刻起,就请将面子和理智丢到九霄云外,在向皇冠发起挑战的过程中,尽情享受令人捧腹的史诗级名场面吧!
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