[HOW TO] HTML Redirect

HTML and JS redirection methods.

HTML Implementation

<!-- Refresh current page ONLY -->
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">
<!-- Redirect to other page after counting down -->
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=hello.html"> 

JavaScript Implementation

// Instant redirect
// Redirect when time up
setTimeout("javascript:location.href='hello.html'", 5000); 

JavaScript Implementation (w Counting Down)

<span id="totalSecond">5</span>
var second = document.getElementById('totalSecond').textContent; 
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") > -1)  { 
    second = document.getElementById('totalSecond').innerText; 
} else { 
    second = document.getElementById('totalSecond').textContent; 
setInterval("redirect()", 1000); 
function redirect() { 
if (second < 0) { 
    location.href = 'hello.html'; 
} else { 
    if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") > -1) { 
        document.getElementById('totalSecond').innerText = second--; 
    } else { 
        document.getElementById('totalSecond').textContent = second--; 

Solve Firefox not Support innertext

<span id="totalSecond">5</span>
if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") > -1){ 
document.getElementById('totalSecond').innerText = "my text innerText"; 
} else{ 
document.getElementById('totalSecond').textContent = "my text textContent"; 
I'm JokerM.
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